Ok, thanks for the good information. I'll look into it.


(5 replies, posted in Getting Started)

Yeah, the site has been getting hit really hard with spambots trying to create accounts, so it overloading the registration system. Send me a PM on here and I'll set you with an account.


(5 replies, posted in Getting Started)

Thanks for sharing. You can also post over at http://www.dcinemaforum.com


(5 replies, posted in Getting Started)

Sure, you can post it here.


(1 replies, posted in Getting Started)

There are download links on the main page.


(2 replies, posted in Getting Started)

Do not include any leaders, color bars, sound sync, etc.

It really depends on the particular server or TMS as each one has different capabilities. In general the most accepted is a EXT2 formatted drive with the DCP files at the root level. However, most systems will read a FAT32 USB stick without issue, but beware of the max file size with FAT32. Most will also read DCPs from folders, provided all the folders are also at the root level.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

If it is always the same image, could be a corrupted image. If it varies, try reducing then number of threads to see if it persists. Make sure you filenames don't have any non-ascii characters.

There are a bunch of file renaming tools you can use. Your the sequence must be the same number of digits. If you have say 1000 frames, it should be 00001.tif through 01000.tif.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

If you are creating an MXF Interop DCP, then the ASSETMAP and VOLINDEX have no XML extension.

I'm in the middle re-writing a lot of the CLI code, so hopefully it will get fixed with these changes.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

Try asking over on dcinemaforum.com.

It's a GUI bug where OpenDCP doesn't always properly close the dialog. It can be ignored.


(3 replies, posted in Support)

You need to make sure Audacity is truly creating 1 channel WAV. Even though you selected Mono, it may be writing 2-channels, with 1 channel silenced.


(1 replies, posted in Getting Started)

It should with any DCI compliant server.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

You will still label it as Flat. Per the DCI specification, you should not add pillar boxes if your image would otherwise be a compliant resolution. In order to be compliant, an image must have one dimension equal to the 2K container and the other equal to or less than the corresponding dimension. The 2K container is 2048x1080, so in the case of HD, the 1080 dimension matches the height and the 1920 is less than the 2048. This allow the projector to automatically center and pillar box the image, so you don't need to. This is what the festival is saying. Furthermore, since your material will fit within the Flat (1998x1080) profile, you can just label it as Flat and it will work.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

You need to create left and right tiff images. Place the left images in one directory and the right images in another.


(1 replies, posted in Support)

I just verified the DMG image is ok and was able to download without issue. Do you have another drive you can try downloading it to?


(2 replies, posted in Support)

Make sure there are no non-ascii characters in the path.

That would be cool, but it's not really something OpenDCP is suited for. Doing the basic slideshow is easy, because it's just replicating the same image a number of times. Adding transitions requires manipulating the images.

Now, something like this might be able to be achieved using the TimedText/Subtitle support in digital cinema. I think there are a number of transitions in the spec.


(2 replies, posted in Getting Started)

I'll have to get a new link put up. Google is shutting down their Code site, so I'm moving everything to a new location. For now, you can find some information at:



(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

It should have the correct aspect ratio. That value is not used by the digital servers, so it won't cause any issues, but I'll investigate. Thanks.


(4 replies, posted in Support)

Thanks for information. I'm glad you got everything working.


(2 replies, posted in Support)

Good to know. Thanks for the update.


(1 replies, posted in Getting Started)

You can use an application called FFmpeg to convert to TIFF.